Concept: Plug-in object styles

Difficulty level: Beginner

Plug-in object styles give designers a combination of control and flexibility in project design. Some object parameters can be locked to a certain value for consistency, while others can be customized for each individual instance to meet the project’s needs. Plug-in object styles are available for objects that are part of the design, such as spaces and windows, and for objects that help to annotate the drawing, such as title block borders and data tags. You may find it useful to review Concept: Object instances, definitions, and styles.

There are three kinds of plug-in object style settings:

 By Style parameters are defined by the project designer or manager to be identical for all instances in the file. These settings can be changed only by editing the plug-in object style, and a change to style parameters changes all instances that use that style.

 By Instance parameters can be set independently for each instance of the object at the time of insertion or any time thereafter.

 By Catalog parameters, available for some plug-in objects such as windows, doors, and cabinets, are defined by the manufacturer’s catalog item and cannot be altered by the project designer or manager. However, designers can create custom catalog entries based on a manufacturer’s catalog, such as a custom size of a window type available from the catalog. When a plug-in object style is defined by a catalog item, many parameters are automatically set by catalog.

A given plug-in object style can combine parameters of each style setting. For example, a window style can have "catalog parameters" dictated by the manufacturer, including window shape, sash, and size; "style parameters" defined by the architect to maintain consistency for details such as trim and muntins; and "instance parameters," such as interior and exterior wall details or elevation in the wall, that can vary as needed to accommodate building conditions.

Plug-in object styles are saved as resources and appear in the Resource Manager and Resource Selector as red symbols. They can be shared with other files and users through the Resource Manager or by referencing. To identify which plug-in style was used for an object and locate it in the Resource Manager, right-click on the plug-in object and select Locate Plug-in Style in Resource Manager from the context menu.

Not all plug-in objects in Vectorworks use plug-in styles or catalogs. These features are available only for plug-in objects that have been configured by the developer to accept styles and catalogs.

Some plug-in object styles allow the use of 2D components for use in hidden line viewports; see Concept: 2D components for symbol definitions and plug-in objects.

Creating plug-in object styles

Concept: Plug-in object styles and catalog items


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